The hidden threat no one is talking about… Yet!
Lefebvre Fabien (CTI), Pezier Pierre-Henri (CTI)
LegionLoader, also known as Satacom, CurlyGate, and RobotDropper, is an active downloader that has been operating in the shadows, gained significant traction in recent months, quietly amassing over 2,000 samples in just a matter of weeks. VirusTotal (VT) retro-hunting and live-hunting have allowed us to uncovered an ongoing campaign using LegionLoader that appears to have kicked off on December 19, 2024.
This is TEHTRIS Threat Intelligence team analysis. Wee’ll break down everything we’ve uncovered so far (including: list of IoCs, phishing url, IDAPython script etc.).
#Stayinformed, #staysecured

The malware seems to target entities globally, with Brazil emerging as the most affected country, accounting for approximately 10% of all submissions.

In this article, we will delve into the reverse engineering and analysis of the MSI file and the first two stages of this malware campaign, uncovering its techniques and behaviors.
The following list consists of the samples analyzed in the current article. This list is non-exhaustive.
Hashes of “setup.msi”:
Type | Value |
File Type | Composite Document File V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 10.0, MSI Installer, Code page: 1252, Name of Creating Application: Rotq App, Create Time/Date: Sun Jan 19 16:03:15 2025, Last Printed: Sun Jan 19 16:03:15 2025, Title: Installation Database, Subject: Rotq App, Author: Viqwo Stars Ci, Keywords: Installer, MSI, Database, Comments: This installer database contains the logic and data required to install Rotq App., Template: x64;2057, Revision Number: {8D95B8E0-79E2-422A-8620-2E2986EF3D60}, Last Saved Time/Date: Tue Jan 21 09:46:10 2025, Number of Pages: 450, Number of Words: 10, Security: 0 |
DateTimestamp | N/A |
Size | 59.4 MB |
MD5 | 70a9a5c89b0bb7b8a61515131e3d49f0 |
SHA256 | 41c1006feead9af3e9a563e2814acc8550d36b991e0998015cee00ebb0ac4e85 |
SHA512 | abb057c218327b9f82d6fdc9e4a2c4d910356e70c651164b7ba58ef44fa1e470b039a20c1cd046fe15c847cfefa554102e4fe91f051d2bf6379c7ec9ff346e08 |
Type | Value |
File Type | Composite Document File V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 10.0, MSI Installer, Security: 0, Code page: 1252, Revision Number: {0E8F0152-F75A-41DE-82DC-13392C51F4A9}, Number of Words: 10, Subject: Joas App, Author: Barsoc Quite Sols, Name of Creating Application: Joas App, Template: x64;2057, Comments: This installer database contains the logic and data required to install Joas App., Title: Installation Database, Keywords: Installer, MSI, Database, Create Time/Date: Sat Jan 18 12:53:02 2025, Last Saved Time/Date: Sat Jan 18 12:53:02 2025, Last Printed: Sat Jan 18 12:53:02 2025, Number of Pages: 450 |
DateTimestamp | N/A |
Size | 59.4 MB |
MD5 | cc041f6ca77fbb37f083e557ed051055 |
SHA256 | cd72eaba97bb94947529a1e652e2d1cc7197b6224e00bf39e55ad634b7e82047 |
SHA512 | f10c541123b79745c6c4870433cfdba40cc8784bb55cd12a0c7a90356279789395b06048e18b8bca06718be2bc4e10095c46a724a95f75fee8e32e589280be32 |
Type | Value |
File Type | Composite Document File V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 10.0, MSI Installer, Security: 0, Code page: 1252, Revision Number: {38EAC3F4-3CAF-4CEE-9FFA-36F53F42006E}, Number of Words: 10, Subject: Rotq App, Author: Viqwo Stars Ci, Name of Creating Application: Rotq App, Template: x64;2057, Comments: This installer database contains the logic and data required to install Rotq App., Title: Installation Database, Keywords: Installer, MSI, Database, Create Time/Date: Mon Jan 20 11:06:39 2025, Last Saved Time/Date: Mon Jan 20 11:06:39 2025, Last Printed: Mon Jan 20 11:06:39 2025, Number of Pages: 450 |
DateTimestamp | N/A |
Size | 59.4 MB |
MD5 | 3f86649d211a7faea0cf75296e3ed3c8 |
SHA256 | e88cb0e892537a1dfd7d7d7a4802caeee43d25f871602466a735df0eb5096eb3 |
SHA512 | e71e8e39f01b1a5b5033c1ff3634ff57ed9a5a25678573aa0d6d40b8ff11dcd89d3e8fcbc9138d331391c402e7bc750507d623732faec221de577c62a4030894 |
Hashes of “obs.dll” (Dropper payload):
Type | Value |
File Type | PE32+ executable (DLL) (GUI) x86-64, for MS Windows |
DateTimestamp | 2025-01-18 12:59:37 |
Size | 1.2 MB (pesize = 1.2 MB) |
MD5 | f7e61f06fc606f68b1f8a6270752b832 |
SHA256 | 23f064df01ee9eedf9e1341185505b86148873ccc0a922c64bb085ceb5b091fc |
SHA512 | fe067a0c121678f9f20248dafd56d7567c531a309dbdba2e58c80242453ede5ae486caab22749dd5b3076fef9b1fe7fdba99946eddec724103e8ae2701424628 |
Type | Value |
File Type | PE32+ executable (DLL) (GUI) x86-64, for MS Windows |
DateTimestamp | 2025-01-19 16:52:44 |
Size | 1.1 MB (pesize = 1.1 MB) |
MD5 | 0b5d9b80c9bbee71482202720d1bbc3a |
SHA256 | 4c3772e12e710645341f18015c05f67e8f320dd13a4259eff05dacca4c664244 |
SHA512 | 3ed21f93293d4eb1af2d902f1d2dd678e23c9700b5a43312aec09b60f15d188210b4d7d890bac2d02a62f554b62c4d1f19009b9033b11b74104b4f7a0f6fa14f |
Type | Value |
File Type | PE32+ executable (DLL) (GUI) x86-64, for MS Windows |
DateTimestamp | 2025-01-20 11:31:08 |
Size | 1.1 MB (pesize = 1.1 MB) |
MD5 | 908431381d588caea53a651679dacee8 |
SHA256 | 4df98a4f9ecacf1f1676814ad5980dd94d7d33ce4b7d9aec9d96f3c3ea602363 |
SHA512 | e2eb3874ac7c03aa7fd7a2449d7b948962b48552a825c34248902566923f2cca9531adcd9e3a807457e8f7e7fa3856849cea1caf84fbc830fd0ff0daf7e87401 |
Hashes of “stage2.exe” (The payload dropped by the previous samples of legion dropper):
Type | Value |
File Type | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows |
DateTimestamp | 2025-01-19 13:28:07 |
Size | 151.6 kB (pesize = 151.6 kB) |
MD5 | 97a42de72ada85aaa4198559779b58b0 |
SHA256 | 76cbe366ea370235dfea2d72378f9d946e49370b4c7bac58e99073e117062e1f |
SHA512 | 77a5f20dcfa8b61196fe98c8c024fdf3bc8f39962d73ee774f308c0091c90b687cbf1f162b6ea8e374ab2b9b2645ec905a5e6eb50e6361dbcf9b40801bb150bd |
Type | Value |
File Type | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows |
DateTimestamp | 2025-01-17 15:47:34 |
Size | 151.6 kB (pesize = 151.6 kB) |
MD5 | 4756fa2af7d98078f29911d5ffc90ec7 |
SHA256 | b1cff28f26270779d53e14797430d77d9e44911976c916966e4ab2049aa5232e |
SHA512 | b686b6daa4f37cef3590f3994ef3def41de7022156358f4edd9915102b7c0d084aaaae0eb2d93cda0a8eababc400bc7314d3f619bdaee004c7cf0b765b19e8fd |
Code details
The MSI files were created using Advanced Installer, the stage 1 is a 64 bit DLL compiled with Visual C/C++ 2022 as identified by DIE and the stage 2 is a 32 bit executable.
The following techniques have been identified by our team:

Initial access
The malware is delivered by “drive by download” technique. Pcrisk has identified insecure websites such as illegal download platforms that redirect use traffic into unverified web pages.

The malicious pages are usually deleted in few hours. It almost every time inciting the user to redirects himself to a mega share with a single zip file in it. The “.monster” TLD is massively used to host the malicious redirection page.

This archive contains 2 files: A 7zip password protected archive, the sole purpose of this protection is to bypass malware analysis; and a picture file reminding the password of the next archive to the victim.

The campaign has high activity with 25 unique URL detected in 12H on the 31/01/2025.
The sample requires user interaction to execute, triggered by the execution of the setup.msi file.
The MSI had a VT detection ranging between 3 and 9 out of 60 at the time or analysis.
Within the MSI, two anti-sandbox mechanisms have been identified.
The first anti-sandbox measure presents a button with the label “Please verify that you are not a robot.”.

In one of the samples, it was observed that a virtual environment is detected through a feature of Advanced Installer. This detection can be bypassed by modifying the MSI file using Orca.

The MSI extracts multiple files into a predefined directory within %APPDATA%. These include several clean DLLs and executables, a password-protected archive named iwhgjds.rar, and the extraction utility UnRar.exe. The UnRar.exe utility is used to decompress the archive using a hard coded password embedded in the MSI, revealing the Stage 1 payload, obs.dll.
The command used for extraction is as follows:
"C:\Users\???\AppData\Roaming\Viqwo Stars Ci\Rotq App\UnRar.exe" x -p3809610121t -o+ "C:\Users\???\AppData\Roaming\Viqwo Stars Ci\Rotq App\iwhgjds.rar" "C:\Users\???\AppData\Roaming\Viqwo Stars Ci\Rotq App\"
Following extraction, the MSI executes obsffmpegmux.exe, which sideloads the malicious obs.dll.
A script has been developed to directly extract the data from MSI to dll. It extracts the payload and displays the password like this:
python setup.msi obs.dll
File exists. Overwrite? [y/N]: y
Found password: 156427613t
Found rarfile: iwhgjds.rar
found file: obs.dll
Stage 2 extracted to: obs.dll
This script is attached in appendice.
Stage 1 (obs.dll)
Static analysis
The exports of this DLL are largely empty. Using scripting in IDA, we identified four exports containing code; however, these appear to be largely nonsensical and intended primarily to waste an analyst’s time. The IDA script is available at the bottom of the article.
We used BinDiff to compare multiple malicious obs.dll and found out that the similarity score on all functions is 1.00, which indicate exact replicates. The difference between the samples are the stage 2 payload and compilation artifacts.
Dynamic analysis
Using x64dbg, we set a breakpoint on VirtualAlloc to find buffer creation that could indicate unpacking.

This buffer is then decoded, revealing the shellcode.

Another buffer in then created and data is copied to it using the rep movsb instruction. This buffer is then decoded, revealing the stage 2 executable. We can extract this executable by dumping the memory section of the buffer for further analysis.

The api calls are retrieved by hashing the function names with a custom hash. In the following captures from left to right: the call to the custom getprocaddress, the hashing function, and the relocation section parsing. A yara is available at the end of the article to detect this specific method.

The shellcode then proceed to start explorer.exe and use process hollowing to load the malicious stage 2 using CreateProcessInternalA, ZwQueryInformationProcess, ReadProcessMemory, ZtUnmapViewOfSection, VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory and NtResumeThread API calls.
The stage2 is not part of LegionDropper, because the malware family is a dropper, any payload can be embedded inside. The analysis has been performed on the previously given samples.
Stage 2 is responsible for communicating with the command and control (C2) server and appears to be designed to download the final payload. However, all extracted C2 servers were inactive at the time of analysis, preventing further investigation.
The domain name is hard coded within the executable.
The user-agent string Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0) like Gecko is decoded by XORing two values:

Additionally, the parameter ‘a’, which is transmitted to the C2 later on, is randomly generated, and always consists of 10 characters:

Once these values are set, the malware attempts to establish a connection to the C2 using WinHttpSendRequest.
If the connection to the C2 was successful, the malware would perform the following actions.
Disables file system redirection by creating a thread that calls Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection.
Downloads a shellcode, saves it as a .dat file, decrypts it using XTEA, and executes it in memory.

The malware downloads an additional file from the C2 using URLDownloadToFileA, then creates a directory in %TMP% with a randomly generated 15-character name. It copies the downloaded file into this directory under the name svchost, retaining the original extension, and finally executes it using ShellExecuteA with the “open” option.
Since the malware later attempts to execute the payload using rundll32, it is highly likely that the final payload is a DLL, which is launched via ShellExecuteA with the “open” option.

Similar SHA256 samples have been encountered. This is a short list,hundreds of sample have been found.
- 41c1006feead9af3e9a563e2814acc8550d36b991e0998015cee00ebb0ac4e85
- cd72eaba97bb94947529a1e652e2d1cc7197b6224e00bf39e55ad634b7e82047
- e88cb0e892537a1dfd7d7d7a4802caeee43d25f871602466a735df0eb5096eb3
- 21d325a59140755b3cf6b075d5e157f37c2771deb29ae7756092fa8978209f77
- 7e9d148d6ebcf927292bba0948ab4d006cb0667084a7f43c04ab7d7efcb9074b
- 23f064df01ee9eedf9e1341185505b86148873ccc0a922c64bb085ceb5b091fc
- 4df98a4f9ecacf1f1676814ad5980dd94d7d33ce4b7d9aec9d96f3c3ea602363
- 76cbe366ea370235dfea2d72378f9d946e49370b4c7bac58e99073e117062e1f
- 8134948177ca6fc350b4c651f27137eaef8dabbb2daf9a1d0447bf1102cfd7d9
HTTP requests
Files and directories
- Appdata\Roaming\Viqwo Stars Ci\Rotq App\iwhgjds.rar
- Appdata\Roaming\Viqwo Stars Ci\Rotq App\obs.dll
- Appdata\Roaming\Viqwo Stars Ci\Rotq App\UnRar.exe
- AppData\Roaming\Barsoc Quite Sols\Joas App\iwhgjds.rar
- AppData\Roaming\Barsoc Quite Sols\Joas App\obs.dll
- AppData\Roaming\Barsoc Quite Sols\Joas App\UnRar.exe
- HKU\S-1-5-21-178964467-512603846-2268572703-1002\SOFTWARE\Barsoc Quite Sols\Joas App\Version
- HKU\S-1-5-21-178964467-512603846-2268572703-1002\SOFTWARE\Barsoc Quite Sols\Joas App\Path
- HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders\C:\Users\???\AppData\Roaming\Barsoc Quite Sols\Joas App\una_front
Phishing URL
Hundreds of malicious URL have been found (up to 30 in 12 hours for monster TLD), this is just a shortlist.
Phishing URL | Samples related | malicious file URL |
https://linefreeapp[.]monster | d43590b090ac1ece44ded29b03301323958e344394e94c439999f6a2d0648c53, a6b5759a273fd6df4dcb0f5c82935b4b60a6f28bfb4d69b6c7c503c8614c39d0, 17be6c8a4cf914056e5cb5d6a1d087069bd4c8d5a3ed104fefeace42c4fc6083 | |
https://dipsos-troak[.]com | e69a7a881daca7637220d0407454e678ef3a9cf373406b363179f002acd8144d, 038cbe87c4ddb39e7c7accc95d221950d96f2adb0649acaaea60258255c203a6 | |
https://webrecentapp[.]monster/ | 74ed663ad5369aed6f784d601c1755bbb12ab5df4c5111599332b1bf057d8fe9, d2bcc865d00890a3ba675dc1952c3470205dc9811d4fb354a0b44630879df7c7 |\_Msdo3hfprwYbCF2D3VL1pLs |
https://runstarapp[.]monster/ | 5b790d2d085d2498aa63822812562acc256a26febae6cc78563ba656eb9d0c1f, 2eae05e829f353c9a8d01683187eb759dbf73f90ccd435f03d46761b03247fbd | |
https://topstarapp[.]monster/ | 4c2c0de6474c17486e5abe2323da0abe4af395a89d0cc46994265ca7719e4ccc, eaaec1cc3ee9a3d590d17c73ab7b174354c1c7be13d26026891424289d0c57fe | |
https://saveactiveapps[.]monster/ | 23d0db70ba7848789fa117d25f2e94936cf06e58a03fc36647defdd91bf6f1ca, cd0a77c945f9eb2a8e0cc7b16f00b8426b737618da06df7e65c1913eefbcc18b |–9C8YEzn\_KVBijstyKqyicCtegfadg |
https://cleanactiveapp[.]monster/ | 66241b0c08194263eeb62bae9c4e8ef7e38bb447e671638c9c340d305e23af16, 1a43da62d09a56f50e2797cffb77001027461a6b5ef0713c63d96c60bf8ecadd |\_tLLzIv3114WPyk24Fs5VS2X8vOVxz-Ob6\_I |
https://webnewapp[.]monster/ | 49c74021ab818ff7a07c184c920585b96000e9079d5beaed3a3dc0ed2fd4834b | |
https://elitenewapp[.]monster/ | d8f2f667708a14734a20d7731ab659fa1ab23ddd25ee96ba4ca33fedf4b7c613, 082a0596b474806cc0ea58c4f7067a4f1166dbb4aa1800bc58af6f99f1209a4a |\_zFGlRNzM |
https://eliteleaderapp[.]monster/ | 3938e304ddb11dc02b514e10daa2810bc91fd963e007f5bfba789846e08c6b8e, b59e172cda955322b0cbdc152f723b82eef222014a631dc3b1d8fe4144480374 |\_u-rdsHpzwWqHEIpN6bsqBOp3Q7Q1YO5UAPm2xU94 |
https://freeleaderapp[.]monster/ | 5f01f481065fefdf0c34c7f1e0a5dd527857962dae46bcbddb4a2b941bf5a3dc, 1f8ec7a76f4486fdff94743275b2d65e1e4c871f7f933ed5c65c1dfca22909be | |
https://webabilityapp[.]monster/ | 75cdf91e7f10807b81e9cc9754dc37d447d46912537f585e6f6b3e2a84fdb7df |\_D\_-1mboGgGqBZPXmkF87YuJVkGMdB7B6YphyY |
https://topgrandapp[.]monster/ | b974015e21e86ca6c89545e86e69732d4dd6e41d588aeb31e4e112a6cd0e237f | |
https://safegrandapp[.]monster/ | 77bbf883dc365ca72fa4e5cd203055a2e14787fc363fbf3409ca266c0607185e | |
https://extragrandapp[.]monster/ | f1064a9546766a69b2df901a0d9df31d31b01c6507cf614ef3ab73f5869af524 |\_cOcvuns |
https://safepowerapp[.]monster/ | 82eda9820fc42229b2f75d075ef34d11d1b4feb598983640226770c5e2cf8475 | |
https://freepowerapp[.]monster/ | 9cd58f52226fc376f837447d0c4ebed7b0473cc4166f9e8ad0265bbfd7ac4462 | |
https://getglobal[.]monster | f4f4dd8a1fca44d6d7c78da7dc5741b91250eabf8faae79604c786672ea2efb8 | |
https://sendspeed[.]monster/ | d1a0115f4afe30d9a973cb18bf95d34b67b2d548b4d49989fd0e36399dc562d0 | |
rule crypto_alg_obs_dll {
author = "PEZIER Pierre-Henri. Copyright TEHTRIS 2025"
description = "The cryptographic diffuser of OBS.dll"
$obj_180005250 = { // 4707b17284e0bdbb92d915e66a8fe4dff18441c958a5230c786d5af6fa05b4bd "C:\Users\user\Desktop\LegionLoader\OBS.DLL"
49 8d 41 01 // lea rax, [r9+1]
44 0f b6 c8 // movzx r9d, al
48 8d 52 01 // lea rdx, [rdx+1]
43 0f b6 0c 11 // movzx ecx, byte ptr [r9+r10]
4a 8d 04 19 // lea rax, [rcx+r11]
44 0f b6 d8 // movzx r11d, al
43 0f b6 04 13 // movzx eax, byte ptr [r11+r10]
43 88 04 11 // mov [r9+r10], al
43 88 0c 13 // mov [r11+r10], cl
43 0f b6 04 11 // movzx eax, byte ptr [r9+r10]
48 03 c1 // add rax, rcx
0f b6 c0 // movzx eax, al
42 0f b6 0c 10 // movzx ecx, byte ptr [rax+r10]
30 4a ff // xor [rdx-1], cl
49 83 e8 01 // sub r8, 1
75 c1 // jnz short loc_180005250
all of them
rule shellcode_library_resolution {
author = "PEZIER Pierre-Henri. Copyright TEHTRIS 2025"
description = "Legion Loader implementation of GetProcAddress"
$hashed_libs = { // 27e48b5e7925fdc17bef8b7efb8576ee336dbfba31b5f3296bfa9d33c906e385 "C:\Users\user\Desktop\LegionLoader\obs_00000153D97E0000.bin"
ba (4A 0D CE 09|DD F5 53 CD|A0 F7 BF 08|C5 B1 66 2D|33 13 E2 81|4D 82 2E E6|FE 90 CB 49|42 AE C7 F7|2E 97 58 4F|E7 E2 DD 7B|72 B5 73 62|50 4C C4 A5) // mov edx, 9CE0D4Ah; VirtualAlloc
48 [4] // mov rcx, [rsp+0A8h+var_78]
$hash_algorithm = { // 27e48b5e7925fdc17bef8b7efb8576ee336dbfba31b5f3296bfa9d33c906e385 "C:\Users\user\Desktop\LegionLoader\obs_00000153D97E0000.bin"
d1 e8 // shr eax, 1
8b [3] // mov ecx, [rsp+28h+RE_FUNCNAME]
81 e1 20 83 b8 ed // and ecx, 0EDB88320h
33 c1 // xor eax, ecx
89 ?? ?? // mov [rsp+28h+var_28], eax
eb // jmp short loc_153D97E0662
$section_parser = { // 27e48b5e7925fdc17bef8b7efb8576ee336dbfba31b5f3296bfa9d33c906e385 "C:\Users\user\Desktop\LegionLoader\obs_00000153D97E0000.bin"
c7 44 ?? ?? 20 00 00 00 // mov [rsp+18h+var_10], 20h ; ' '
c7 44 ?? ?? b9 79 37 9e // mov [rsp+18h+var_C], 9E3779B9h
8b 44 ?? ?? // mov eax, [rsp+18h+var_C]
0f af 44 // imul eax, [rsp+18h+var_10]
$path_loading = { // 27e48b5e7925fdc17bef8b7efb8576ee336dbfba31b5f3296bfa9d33c906e385 "C:\Users\user\Desktop\LegionLoader\obs_00000153D97E0000.bin"
48 ?? 5c 53 79 73 57 4f 57 36 // mov rcx, 36574F577379535Ch; \SysWOW6
48 ?? 34 5c 65 78 70 6c 6f 72 // mov rcx, 726F6C7078655C34h; 4\explor
48 ?? 65 72 2e 65 78 65 00 00 // mov rcx, 6578652E7265h; er.exe
#hashed_libs > 5
or $hash_algorithm
or $section_parser
or $path_loading
Stage 2 extractor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 | #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> char suffix[] = "_stage2.exe"; BYTE writeprocessmemory_trampoline[] = { 0x48, 0xB8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // mov rax, &MyWriteProcessMemory 0xFF, 0xE0 // jmp rax }; BOOL MyWriteProcessMemory(HANDLE hProcess, LPVOID lpBaseAddress, LPCVOID lpBuffer, SIZE_T nSize, SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten) { char file_name[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; if(!GetModuleFileName(NULL, file_name, MAX_PATH) || strlen(file_name) >= MAX_PATH - sizeof(suffix)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get file name\n"); exit(0); } strncat(file_name, suffix, MAX_PATH); printf("Stage 2 saved to %s\n", file_name); FILE *out = fopen(file_name, "wb"); if(!out) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open file for writing: %s\n", file_name); exit(0); } fwrite(lpBuffer, 1, nSize, out); fclose(out); exit(0); // DO NOT EXECUTE THE PAYLOAD return TRUE; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <file_to_extract>\n", argv[0]); return 1; } DWORD oldprotect; if(!VirtualProtect(WriteProcessMemory, sizeof(writeprocessmemory_trampoline), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldprotect)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to patch WriteProcessMemory\n"); return 1; } SIZE_T MyWriteProcessMemory_addr = (SIZE_T)&MyWriteProcessMemory; memcpy(&writeprocessmemory_trampoline[2], &MyWriteProcessMemory_addr, sizeof(MyWriteProcessMemory_addr)); memcpy(WriteProcessMemory, writeprocessmemory_trampoline, sizeof(writeprocessmemory_trampoline)); if(!LoadLibrary(argv[1])) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load the DLL (%i).\n", GetLastError()); return 2; } system("pause"); } |
IDAPython script to identify exports
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | import idc import pefile import ida_nalt import idaapi file_path = idc.get_input_file_path() mype = pefile.PE(file_path) for imp in mype.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols: if idaapi.get_byte(ida_nalt.get_imagebase() + imp.address) != 194: print(, hex(ida_nalt.get_imagebase() + imp.address)) |
Stage1 extractor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 | import magic import re import shutil import subprocess import binascii import tempfile from pathlib import Path from cabarchive import CabArchive from rarfile import RarFile """ pip install git+ """ CABINET_FILE_HEADER = binascii.unhexlify("4D 53 43 46 00 00 00 00".replace(" ", "")) def extract_legionstealer_stage1(file_path: Path, output_file: Path) -> None: assert "MSI Installer" in magic.from_file(file_path), "The given file is not a MSI executable" assert file_path.stat().st_size < 1024 * 1024 * 100, "File too big" data = file_path.read_bytes() assert (key_re :="QuiteSes(.{,20}?)(?=#)", data)), "Unable to find the rar password. Is it a LegionLoader sample?" try: password ="utf-8") except UnicodeError: raise AssertionError("Unable to find the rar password. Is it a LegionLoader sample?") from UnicodeError print("Found password:", password) assert (offset := data.find(CABINET_FILE_HEADER)), "Cannot find cabinet file. Is MSI corrupted ?" archive = CabArchive(data[offset:]) assert (rarfile := archive.find_file("*.rar")), "No rar file in the MSI. Is it a LegionLoader sample?" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as _tmp: tmp = Path(_tmp) tmp_rar = tmp / "tmp.rar" print("Found rarfile:", rarfile.filename) tmp_rar.write_bytes(rarfile.buf) try: res =["/usr/bin/unar", "-p", password, "-o", tmp, tmp_rar], capture_output=True) except FileNotFoundError: raise AssertionError("Unable to find unar. Please install unar (apt install unar).") if res.returncode: raise AssertionError("Unable to extract rarfile. Is it a LegionLoader sample?") tmp_rar.unlink() assert len(res := list(tmp.glob("*.dll"))) == 1, "More than one file found. Is it a LegionLoader sample?" print("found file:", res[0].name) shutil.copy(res[0], output_file) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage:", sys.argv[0], "<msi> <output_stage_2>", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) output_file = Path(sys.argv[2]) if output_file.exists() and input("File exists. Overwrite? [y/N]: ") != "y": print("exitting") else: extract_legionstealer_stage1(Path(sys.argv[1]), output_file) print("Stage 2 extracted to:", output_file) |