TEHTRIS is a member of the French Alliance for Digital Confidence. This organization gathers the main French and European actors to strengthen the security sector in France.
TEHTRIS is a member of the French Alliance for Digital Confidence. This organization gathers the main French and European actors to strengthen the security sector in France.
TEHTRIS is one of 50 experts worldwide who are members of the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization. This international association aims to improve the objectivity, quality and relevance of anti-malware testing methods.
TEHTRIS is a member of the Campus Cyber, a project initiated by the President of the French Republic, which is the place to be of the French cybersecurity ecosystem bringing together the main national and international players in this field.
TEHTRIS has joined CESIN, the Club of Experts in Information and Digital Security, which offers its members a place for exchange, knowledge sharing and cooperation.
TEHTRIS is a member of the Club des Entreprises de Taille Intermédiaire (ETI) de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, a tool for the development of ETIs, SMEs with potential and territories.
TEHTRIS has joined CLUSIF, the leading association for digital security in France, whose mission is to promote the exchange of ideas and feedback between suppliers and users.
TEHTRIS is a member of CLUSIR Aquitaine. The CLUSIR raises awareness among companies, local authorities and digital professionals through working groups, meetings and exchanges with cybersecurity experts.
TEHTRIS has joined the Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA), a non-profit organization that works to improve cybersecurity globally by enabling high-quality, real-time information sharing on cyber threats.
TEHTRIS is a member of ECSO, an organization whose objective is to coordinate the development of the European cybersecurity ecosystem, support the European digital market and contribute to Europe’s digital sovereignty.
TEHTRIS is a member of the European Champions Alliance (ECA), a non-profit initiative whose mission is to raise awareness, support the growth of European technology companies and encourage collaboration between players.
TEHTRIS is a member of France Digitale, the leading association of startups in Europe, whose aim is to allow for Digital Champions to emerge in Europe.
TEHTRIS is a partner of the French-American Foundation, which aims to cultivate and embody transatlantic dialogue in a number of areas to promote exchanges and meetings.
TEHTRIS is a member of French Tech, a public label that brings together, supports and connects startups in France through a network of French Tech communities in France and worldwide.
ISMS Forum Spain is a Spanish non-profit association, whose main objective is to promote information security in Spain.
The Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI) is the European advanced research projects agency (ARPA) with a mission to bring Europe in a leadership position in emerging and breakthrough technologies.
Microsoft Virus Initiative (MVI) helps companies make their products compatible and interoperable with Windows. Members have access to Windows APIs and information about malware, samples, and security-related events and conferences.
TEHTRIS is a member of Numeum, the professional union of the digital ecosystem in France which represents Digital Services Companies (DSC), software publishers, platforms and Engineering and Technology Consulting (ICT) companies.
TEHTRIS is a member of the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber, which federates research, training and industry players at the national level to help develop the French cyber sector and promote it internationally.
TEHTRIS is a member of the Regional Cybersecurity and Digital Confidence Campus of New Aquitaine Region, an association that concretizes the central actions of the regional cyber security roadmap around 4 pillars: training, innovation, operation and mobilization, while strengthening synergies between private and public cybersecurity players.
TeleTrusT is a German organization that provides interdisciplinary fora for IT security experts and facilitates information exchange between vendors, users, researchers and authorities.